Monday, December 23, 2013

Ending the year with a promise to myself

At the end of the year, we all look back on the past 12 months and reflect on the good things and think about how we can change the things we didn't like. This year, I've done some work on my family history, but I've also started so many different aspects of it that I'm now faced with the daunting task of trying to finish everything sometime in this lifetime. I've started my family tree (obviously!), a written family history book, a family recipe book, and we won't even talk about the mess all of this stuff created in my office. My goals for 2014 are to get the recipes for the family cookbook gathered together and typed up and to get my research organized in my office. When I get that done, I plan to go through each person in my tree, starting with me and my kids, and make sure I have copies of the documents that prove the information I have on those people. Obviously I will have most of the stuff for my immediate family but those that are a few generations back may take some more digging. I plan to make sure that all of this information is documented in my research software and added to the new books that I will be using to organize everything. There are a few people that I need to email to see if they have any more information that I am not in possession of. My Volpe ancestors are a hard bunch to find. There is a marriage certificate that I plan to order that will hopefully knock down a huge brick wall where they're concerned. These things are all part of a promise that I'm making to myself that I will buckle down and really work on getting everything organized in the coming year.

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